Soal PTS/UTS Bahasa Inggris Dilengkapi Jawaban Kelas 11 Semester Genap, Tersedia Link Download Pdf

Sobat Guru-Baik, Melalui postingan berikut kami akan bahas terkait soal penilaian tengah semester (PTS) atau ujian tengah semester (UTS) bahasa inggris kelas 10 SMA yang sebentar lagi melaksanakan ujian tengah semester genap tahun 2022.

gambar soal PTS Bahasa inggris kelas 11 semester 2

Perlu diketahui bahwa penilaian tengah semester penting dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan soal PTS yang sesuai dengan kisi-kisi terbaru 2022 Agar para guru mampu menilai sejauh mana kecakapan peserta didik (siswa) yang telah dicapai

Materi yang digunakan pada soal UTS/PTS bahasa inggris kelas XI semester genap berasal dari kompetensi dasar yang termuat dalam buku paket yang dipakai, dan telah dibahas pada kegiatan pembelajaran selama setengah semester ini.

Dibawah ini kami sediakan kurang lebih 30 contoh soal pilihan ganda dan 10 contoh soal esai yang bisa dibaca dan difahami. Selanjutnya bapak/ibu atau adik-adik siswa bisa mendownloadnya dalam format pdf agar bisa dipelajari dengan mudah.

Lebih dari itu, dalam dokumen soal telah kami sertakan pula kunci jawaban yang bisa dikoreksi dan diedit jika memang jawaban yang telah kami sediakan kurang tepat menurut teman-teman sekalian.

Namun perlu kami tekankan bahwa yang kami bagikan dalam konten ini hanyalah prediksi soal latihan PTS/UTS bahasa inggris Kelas XI SMA/SMK Semester Genap dan bukanlah bocoran soal.

Sehingga ada baiknya menggunakan soal yang tersedia sebagai media berlatih mengisi berbagai jenis variasi soal dan selalu perbanyaklah membaca serta belajar dann belajar terus menerus agar mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal.

Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 Semester 2 K13 Terbaru

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, d or e!

The following letter is for number 1-5! Nov 17 th, 2022

Dear Grandpa,

How are you grandpa? I was really happy to see you and Grandma at my graduation ceremony,
and I hope you’re recovering from your high blood pressure soon.
Do you mind if I visit you on Saturday? I’d really like to show my new cat. I think you’ll adore her. Her name is Susan, and I got her last week. For your information, she’s your favorite breed: an angora cat, just like Soho! I’m excited to come and see you soon. Let me know if Saturday will be ok for my coming.

Love, Maudy

1. When did Maudy see her Grandpa?
a. At the graduation party
b. At her grandpa’s birthday
c. At Maudy’s birthday
d. At the street
e. At her grandpa’s house
2. When will Maudy visit her grandpa?
a. Friday d. Monday
b. Saturday e. Tuesday
c. Sunday
3. What will be shown to her grandpa by Susan?
a. Her new cat d. Her score
b. Her new school e. Her gift
c. Her graduation hat
4. What kind of animal is Soho?
a. A cat d. A lizard
b. A dog e. An eagle
c. A snake
5. “I’m excited to come and see you soon.”
The underlined word above has the same meaning with….
a. happy b. Sad c. Afraid d. dejected e. Sad
6. …. my mother was sleeping, I prepared tea on my own.
a. As b. Unless c. Besides d. Despite e. Eventhought
7. He apologized …. his bad behavior.
a. For b. because c. Since d. as e. Has
8. He was satisfied …. not overjoyed.
a. Yet b. but c. As d. Still e. Stillness
9. …. his sister, he is very naughty.
a. Likely b. Similar c. Unlike d. Differently e. Same
10. After months of studying hard, Meeta…. cleared IAS examination.
a. Initialy b. therefore c. consequently d. Finally e. final

The following letter is for number 11-15! Dear Johnson

Hello, Johnson. How’s life treating you? Do hope everything is okay. I tell you what I’m writing
this letter is to confirm about your invitation. You said that I can visit you whenever I want to go to your City, Texas. I happily accept your invitation.

Well, will it be OK if I come to your house this weekend? I plan to spend my school holiday in Texas. It must be exciting to be in Texas again. Besides, I want to meet Eva, Helen, your father and mother. I just need to confirm if this coming weekend is OK. However, if you have something to do, I really understand. Send my best regards to all of your family that I miss so much. Hope to know your reply soon.

Yours, Nowo

11. What is Texas like according to Nowo?
a. Boring b. Exciting c. Confusing d. Frightening e. Tiring
12. From the passage we know that Johnson….
a. has two sisters d. ever visited Nowo
b. accepts Nowo’s invitation e. hates Nowo
c. never visited Nowo
13. “If you have something to do,….”
(Paragraph 2). What does the word “you” in the sentence refer to?
a. Eva d. Johnson father
b. Helen e. Johnson mother
c. Johnson
14. “I just need to confirm at this coming….”
(paragraph 2). What does the underlined word mean?
a. To make sure. d. To deliver the news.
b. To show uncertainly e. Invite
c. To get information
15. The text above tell us about, ….
a. Introduction d. Complaint
b. Invitation e. Compliment
c. Say goodbye

The following letter is for number 16-20! November 15th, 2016

Dear Michaella,

With great honor, we would like to request for your presence on this coming Saturday, November
19th, 2016 at 3:00 P.M. for the 17th birthday of Jessica.
The venue for the event will be at the Horison’s garden restaurant and dress code will be casual

We wish that you will find time for you to be with us on the party. Please let us know whether you can or cannot join us for whatever reason. Contact me at my phone number as soon as possible.
Hoping to meet you in the venue.

Best Regards, Alfonso Cruz

16. What is the content of the letter above?
a. Invitation d. Congratulation
b. Complaint e. Introduction
c. Compliment
17. What kind of clothes must be worn by attendants?
a. Casual d. Tie and Suit
b. Business e. Garden party type attires
c. Gown
18. What occasion held based on the text above?
a. Birthday party d. Homecoming party
b. Graduation party e. Funeral
c. Farewell party
19. When will the party be held?
a. November 15th d. November 18th
b. November 16th e. November 19th
c. November 17th
20. “Please let us know whether you can or cannot join us for whatever reason.” The underlined word above has the same meaning with….
a. attend b. go out c. insert d. enter e. type

B. Fill in the blank with the right conjunctions!
1. He found his key …. he had been looking for them for hours.
2. I had just left the house…. If suddenly started raining.
3. I’ll call you…. I know more about it.
4. You should better start studying …. It is too late.
5. The children seem unhappy …. Their father has left the family.
6. I won’t tell you …. you promise you will keep it as a secret.
7. It was …. he was standing directly in front of me that I recognized Tim.
8. We were in the middle of a discussion …. without a warning Mr. Smith left.
9. My mom buys chocolate for me …. I come home.
10. Lara was already asleep …. Jenny kept playing with her toys.

C. Read the following letter and then answer the questions!

October 14th, 2016
To my teacher:

If I had not had you as my teacher in year 11, my life would have been incredibly different. I’m not saying it would be worse-but you opened my heart again to what I have been dreaming so far. You took a kid from Papua, an isolated place in Indonesia, and made him be brave to see the world and believe on his dream.

I never forget one lesson where you told us about your dreams for your future when you where our age. I think you were meant to be talking only about English, but it changed, and kind of became a life study. You told us about your regrets and your successes and it started to make me realize that anything is really possible for everyone.

You have changed me radically on my way of learning, I wouldn’t be where I am today without you. Your encouragement and persistence in all of your classes have taught me that I am who I am, and to get to the top, it’s all down to me. I am capable, but I will take hard work and lost of dedication.

Thank you,
Nickelo Anjelo (Graduated).

1. Who is Nickelo Anjelo?
2. When was the letter written?
3. What lesson was never forgotten by the writer?
4. What is the impact had in the writer after his teacher told him about his regret?
5. Who is the recipient?

Selanjutnya silahkan download dokumen soal berformat pdf melalui tautan dibawah ini

Demikian info yang bisa kami sajikan kali ini. Semoga bermanfaat dan menambah wawasan pembaca. Terima Kasih.

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